Sunday, September 15, 2013


On dark nights
Lost in alien
In the midst of
Hugging shadows
And mysterious howls
Coming from desolate
The brave adventurer plods on,
Under a star-lit sky;
 The glittering
Heavenly bodies
Guide the wayfarers
Both on the hill
Or in the vale
To their destinations sought;
The twinkling stars
Spread cheers
Among lonely hearts,
Tossing on cold beds,
Their bright lights in a
Vast infinity called a sky,
Tucked with a bright disc
Humans call the moon,
Create a marvelous scene:
Diamonds in the sky,
Illuminating space,
And a waxing/waning moon
Produce nightly
Multi-hued light-patterns,
Laser, low-intensity
Or a stellar haze
Emitted by the clusters
Glowing in the sky,
A stunning visual show
Not replicated anywhere on the
Earth, by human hands,
The tender milky light
Balms the fevered
Urban minds,
Obsessed with Sensex
And stock exchange.

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