Monday, May 11, 2009

writers are increasingly marginalised in to-day's fast-paced, tech-driven world. Art itself has been greatly devalued. The term Literature has become a problematic. Writers are no longer viewd as a unified source of meaning or as an intentional, rational human agency, with a heightened sense of beauty or an organising vision of the given reality. The Author has been gleefully decentred from the literary/ artistic universe. Literature is literature; creative and conscious act of a thinking mind is no longer a finished and fine literary product but mere assemblage of words and references; in short, mere impersonal recording or writing of external influences blindly or mechanically reflected in the text. It shows that author is no longer trusted to-day in mass society. He is a mere inscribing instrument selected randomly by a given, pre-existing linguistic system. he has no cntrol over his medium, no totalising vision, no intentional aim or objective. He is no longer accepted as a prophet but has grown as a cog in the vast churning social process, where meaning, truth, value, agency, aesthetic goal, personality and an anchoring centre all are destablised and all these elements are in perpetual flux, producing only indertminacies, doubts and agnostic attitudes. Meaning is no longer stable category. No meaning, no agency, no possibility of a rational world or a rational change as per the dialectics. Everything of solid value is decentred. Only flux remains.Vision, subjectivity, intentional mind...they are all deconstructed and made redundant. only little narratives remain. there is no hope in this bleak scenario for a radical change! fragmentation is achieved of things solid. really sad commentary on art and philosophy that have a tremendous radical potential to alter the status quo.

1 comment:

  1. I share your pain about the state of literature, and I think writers should continue to do what they do best--write.
